Town Council
Michael S Forbes- President
Mark Barenie- Vice President
Stephen Hastings
Christian J Jorgensen
Gregory J Volk
Clerk Treasurer
Beth R. Hernandez
Redevelopment Commission
Mark Barenie
Dr. John DeVries
Michael S Forbes
Stephen Hastings
Christian J Jorgensen
Gregory J Volk
Board of Zoning Appeals
Jim Maciejewski
Paul Panczuk
Tom Ryan
Ken Schneider
Contractors Board
Jon Gill
Joseph Gomeztagle
Richard P Hoover
Steven Kozel Sr.
Dale Robert
Economic Development Committee
George Bellamy
Ronald Estep
Robert Meinzer
Park Board
Frank Bradtke Jr
Carl Miklusak
John Rainwater
Chip Sobek- Superintendent
Melissa Stefanko
Plan Commission
Robert A Birlson
Michael S Forbes
Jon Gil
Steven Kozel Sr
Jim Maciejewski
Gregory J Volk
Jason Williams
Police Commission
Paul Haluska
Rose Hejl
Robert Long
Charles Sawyer
Kevin Vana
Waterworks District Board
Michael S Forbers
Christian J Jorgensen
Gregory J Volk
Sanitary District Board
Frank Bradtke Jr
Kenneth D Gembala
Michelle L Haluska
Richard Setlak
Patricia Sims-Smierciak
Want to join the board, commission or committee?
Download and fill out the application which can be found below.